The VSM Load Levelling icon is a tool to intercept batches of Kanban cards and level their volume and mix, that will smoothen the production process.
Heijunka is the prominent lean tool for smoothing production, and results in better control of the inventory of finished products. It does this by distributing the production volume and mix evenly over time. The objective of heijunka is to avoid peaks and valleys in the production schedule. To use this in your VSM, your company has to have already introduced other lean management tools, such as takt time, Kanban planning, SMED (reduction of changeover and set-up times).
Use this icon if you would like to bring stability to the manufacturing process by converting uneven customer demand into an even and predictable manufacturing process.
The Lean Value Stream Mapping Load Levelling icon is part of a range of magnetic accessories to help you to create a working visual of your VSM initiative. You can purchase a complete kit Here , which also includes a Free User Guide with Case Studies and explanation on how to map out various current states and plot your future state maps.
Each VSM Load Levelling icon is 2″ x 2″.
The Value Stream Mapping magnetic icon is printed on flexible thick vehicle grade quality 0.5 mm magnetic sheets with a high quality PVC finish.