VSM Dry Erase Kaizen Burst Icon


  • Size 6″ x 7″
  • Dry erasable
  • Can be used on any surface accepting magnets
  • Quality vehicle grade 0.6 mm magnetic sheets
  • Pre-printed with the Kaizen Burst design
SKU: VSMKAIBUR Category: Tags: , ,

The Lean Value Stream Mapping Kaizen Burst icon is part of a range of magnetic accessories to help you to create a working visual of your VSM initiative.

The Kaizen Burst is a lean manufacturing tool to generate improvement ideas during the phase of developing the future state of visual stream mapping (VSM). To design the future value stream, a gap analysis on the current state with the kaizen burst sign is seen as mandatory.

It is used to indicate where kaizen (continuous improvement) activities will be focused.​ The specific type of kaizen activity and any supporting information is noted within the burst.​ The magnetic Kaizen icon comes in a dry wipe format to enable you to highlight opportunities for improvement.

You can purchase a complete VSM kit. Each VSM Kaizen Burst is 6″ x 6″.

The Kaizen Burst icon is printed on flexible thick vehicle grade quality 0.6 mm dry erase magnetic sheets with a  high quality PVC gloss finish. You can use dry wipe marker pens on this product.