Magnetic “X” and Warning Triangles – Sheet of 1.4″


Magnetic “X” & Warning Triangles 1.4 in 1 sheet.

The “X” and triangles are all pre cut using the kiss cut method. Push the shapes out when you are ready to use.

The sheet includes:

  • 1.4″ red “X” x 9
  • 1.4″ amber warning triangles with exclamation mark x 9

Magnetic crosses & warning triangles are a great visual management tool, and are often used in a variety of working environments, such as; Offices, classrooms, factories and even at home as performance indicators.

These whiteboard magnets can be used everywhere, from continuous improvement projects to the school classroom. The magnets also give a clean and professional look to your whiteboard, and are fun to use.

Product Features

  • Magnetic red crosses and black / yellow warning triangles printed magnets
  • A5 size sheet
  • 0.4″ & 0.8″ crosses and triangles
  • Great visual management tool
  • Clean and professional design
Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 6 × .125 in

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